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The folk music is ever-lasting and being classical it is fundamental and is the springhead of our being, we have been raised, brought up, educated and fostered on the ambience of this type of music.
Playing so splendidly these musical instruments the performers of the ensemble enable the audience sense the richness and flavor of the steppe melos, which goes back to the depth of the centuries, to touch the original creations of the folk composers, to understand the voices of the mysterious instruments which come to life in the hands of the musicians by arousing rapturous reboants in the hearts of the grateful listeners.
Initially the ‘Sazgen Sazy’ ensemble was called ‘Sazgen’. It was the brainchild of Uzbekaly Zhanibekov, outstanding researcher, prominent public leader, historian, scientist-ethnographer. In accordance with his initiative the folklore-ethnographic ensemble ‘Sazgen Sazy’ was founded in 1981 under the Republican Museum of Kazakh national folk instruments named after Yukhlass. Commencing 2003 the ‘Sazgen’ ensemble changed its title and ever since that time it was called the folklore-ethnographic ensemble ‘Sazgen Sazy’.
All the events
4 february 2013
14 november 2011